National Advisory Board Member spotlight: Debbie Wiederhold


Debbie Wiederhold is the current Executive Director of United Partners-Pflugerville, a nonprofit in Texas where adults with disabilities are empowered to engage in meaningful work and community service. In addition to being the Executive Director of United Partners, Debbie is a mother and caregiver to a son with disabilities.

Advocating on behalf of my son or anyone with a disability is an incredible honor."

Advocating on behalf of my son or anyone with a disability is an incredible honor.  Knowing that I could possibly make a difference for someone and make their voices known, their lives matter, and hopefully give them some help in their day to day lives is a huge responsibility and [it is] a great feeling to be able to “give back” to those that came before me and helped my family along my/our journey.”

As an advocate and caregiver, Debbie believes that the National Advisory Board’s work to recognize caregivers as an integral part of whole person care has been foundational. “People with disabilities are no longer forgotten, housed in institutions, but part of their community. As people age, their caregivers are also aging, making it more challenging to have continuity of care and remaining out in the community. The healthcare industry must be ready for the abundance of all [of this], especially when the caregivers in turn will need their own caregiver.”

More information about the National Advisory Board or United Partners.


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