Foster Care

Children in the foster care system are often at increased risk for developing physical health complications like asthma and obesity, in addition to behavioral health concerns such as depression, anxiety and learning disabilities. These risks also impact the foster parents, who work tirelessly to ensure the health and safety of the children they care for. We are working to address these risks and provide tools and resources for foster parents through unique, comprehensive care delivery and community collaborations.

Tim Spilker
Chief Executive Officer — UnitedHealthcare Community & State

UnitedHealthcare has a dedicated clinical model for children in foster care

Our clinical model is anchored in the principles of trauma-informed care and coordination:

  • Includes a dedicated care management team of clinical expertswho specialize in outreach to foster care members and an integrated system of medical and behavioral health services designed to address the whole-person needs of these members
  • Implements telehealth services and pharmacy reviews to support the particular access and clinical needs of foster care youth and their families
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Improving the health and well-being of children and youth impacted by the foster care system, especially those with complex care needs

Children in foster care face some of the most complex care challenges in the health care system. Putting greater emphasis on proactive, coordinated and integrated care that addresses not just symptoms, but also the social and environmental factors related to a child’s well-being, can help reverse this trend.

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UnitedHealthcare and the Foster Care Population

Supporting families who care for foster children

UnitedHealthcare collaborates with a diverse array of community decision-makers and influencers to better understand the barriers to better health. This “on-the-ground” and localized approach establishes a pattern of trust and partnership while maximizing resources within the community and using data to efficiently address any existing gaps.

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  • In 2019, UnitedHealthcare Community & State served 55,000 foster children across 12 markets, all part of integrated plans.
  • Partnership with the National Foster Parent Association provides training about the foster care system and how to best assist foster parents.
  • UnitedHealthcare has a dedicated clinical model for children in foster care anchored in the principles of trauma- informed care and coordination.
  • Online continuing education (CEU’s) specific to children in foster care is available.
  • UnitedHealthcare offers unique products to serve children in foster care, including an app for transition aged youth to plan for adulthood and store confidential documents they will need as adults to access services.

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