Leveraging data and partnerships to improve community health


A full 80% of an individual's health care is determined by factors outside of a doctor's office. In an effort to address these challenges, UnitedHealthcare is embarking on a new initiative that will bring relevant health data to local partnerships and enable change from the ground up.

I recently sat down with UnitedHealth Group’s Weekly Dose podcast to explain more about the UnitedHealthcare Catalyst™ program. The Catalyst model uses publicly available data to identify health disparities affecting specific communities and then convenes local organizations, including health care and social service providers, to dig deeper into data and identify ways to help address those challenges.

By focusing on localized disparities, we hope to overcome some of the social determinants that make up that 80%, particularly for low-income individuals. We’ll also be helping to create sustainable solutions within each community that improve health outcomes for all Medicaid beneficiaries (including, but not limited to our members).

Listen to Catherine's full podcast to learn more. 


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