Supporting ISDD’s kinship caregivers


In Georgia, there are 101,000 children in kinship care and 95,200 grandparents responsible for their grandchildren.

Innovative Solutions for Disadvantage and Disability (ISDD) offers a program to help meet the needs of these children and their kinship caregivers: Project GRANDD (Grandparents Raising and Nurturing Dependents with Disabilities). Project GRANDD is the lone caregiver program in the state to focus exclusively on providing support services to grandparent caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, chronic health conditions, and learning and behavior disorders. The program offers support groups, individual/family case management, training, education, and referrals, all at no charge.

In this video, learn more about the impact Project GRANDD is having on Georgia families and how a recent $95,000 grant from UnitedHealthcare is helping further ISDD’s efforts.


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