Collaboration supports mental health services for students in Texas


Research suggests that early diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions can have a positive impact on children and their families.1 Dedicated to improving mental health outcomes for Texans, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Texas invested $200K in Spring Branch Community Health Center (SBCHC) to support mental health services at a new wellness center. The Raider Care Center will address mental health and social service needs for Northbrook High School students.

SBCHC is a federally qualified health center that provides affordable health care services to the underserved and uninsured communities of Spring Branch and West Houston.2 Since 2003, SBCHC has worked to reduce health disparities through the provision of comprehensive primary health care services that are culturally competent, linguistically appropriate and client-driven in a location easily accessible to public transportation.

The Raider Care Center will be a safe space within the school for students to drop in before and after school, during lunch and any other free periods. Students can stop by if they are experiencing social/emotional distress or need a brief counseling check-in. The center will offer special interest activity materials, such as art and mindfulness supplies and a basic needs closet that contains snacks, toiletries and school supplies. The investment will support employment of a mental health clinician, known as a wellness counselor, who will work directly with the students through mental health visits and case management.

In addition to providing one-on-one counseling sessions, the counselor will host group sessions on a monthly basis. Guest speakers from SBCHC staff and other community organizations will be invited to lead the group sessions on topics ranging from nutrition and bullying to social media and health topics. Healthy foods will be provided for the students to promote health and wellness discussions.

Students can be referred to the counselor by Northbrook High School staff, family or through self-referral. An additional referral source will be the staff at SpringSpirit, a nonprofit youth sports organization that seeks to positively influence Spring Branch youth by providing opportunities for physical wellness, educational development and positive mentorship through sports. SpringSpirit staff will be able to refer students participating in their afterschool program directly to the wellness counselor.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Texas is committed to improving mental health outcomes for youth living in Texas. To learn more about the work that we are doing to support Texas communities, visit the plan’s website


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